Communication, Connection, Community: The Podcasters' Podcast

The Consciousness In Speaking with special guest Chipochemeso Shambare

Carl Richards Season 2 Episode 47

When it comes to be speaking and presenting we know we need to be at 'on' every time we hit the stage. We need to bring our 'A-Game.' The very best version of ourselves needs to be present and with the audience. We're often told to 'interact' and 'connect' with attendees, even if they aren't the most attentive. Most often we think of it as a 'physical' thing, yet there's more to it than that...much more!
In this episode Carl's guest Chipochemeso Shambare explores in great detail what it means to in a heightened state of 'consciousness. 

Chipochemeso (Chipo) Shambare is your 'Going Deeper  Coach & Mentor Spiritual Guide.' She  teaches stressed, overwhelmed and conflicted single mothers and some brave men who also have Unresolved health issues, tried many, mainstream methods without success." 

To book your 30 minute strategy session with her send her an email:


Visit Chipo's website:

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